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March 2014

Main results

Special Feature


ICZM Governance Platform
Integrated Regional Assessment report
Conceptual Framework for ICZM
Stocktake of the legal, institutional and organizational framework for ICZM
Spatial Data Infrastructure
Building and enhancing capacity
Multi-scale tools, methods and models for integrated assessment
Indicators to measure sustainable development of coast and sea

The four-year PEGASO project comes to an end with innovative outcomes for ICZM in the Mediterranean and Black Seas

The final PEGASO conference took place in Antalya (Turkey) from 14 to 17 January, bringing together a wide range of institutes and networks from the Mediterranean and Black Seas and representatives of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) initiatives in other regional seas. PEGASO is a collaborative project involving 25 partners that have worked for four years under the lead coordination of the Autonomous University of Barcelona to develop novel, shared approaches in support of integrated policies for the coastal, marine and maritime realms of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.

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PEGASO geoportal

Brochure: the PEGASO Cases

PEGASO Website

Who the 25 PEGASO partners are

The ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean
PEGASO is funded by the European Union within FP7- ENV.2009. Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Contract no. 244170

ICZM Governance Platform

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At the heart of PEGASO is the shared ICZM Governance Platform, which has been designed to facilitate communication, exchange and networking among PEGASO partners, end users from the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and local stakeholders involved in the ten collaborative application sites (CASEs). It has mobilized around 200 scientists and 800 stakeholders in a novel way by encouraging active participation and sharing knowledge and a better understanding of the scientific and pragmatic rationale behind the PEGASO tools developed during the project.

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Polimedia video explaining ICZM platform objetives
Polimedia video Roadmap towards coastal sustainability

Integrated Regional Assessment report

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One of the main outcomes of the PEGASO project is the Integrated Regional Assessment (IRA) report. Its main purpose is to provide a policy-oriented blueprint for guiding future scientific research, policy making and socio-economic activities related to the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean, which can also be applied to processes in Black Sea countries.

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Integrated Regional Assessment Report

Conceptual Framework for ICZM

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The partners' diversity in the PEGASO consortium allowed for an extensive survey to compile information from all the countries bordering the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and to explore new forms of transdisciplinary thinking and working required to face up the challenges of coastal sustainability.

The PEGASO partners produced a general compilation and comparison of sustainable development approaches. Subsequently, they highlighted the common sustainable development concepts and frameworks between several strategies, protocols, directives, etc. Particular attention was paid to build a common understanding of the scope and intention of the ICZM Protocol, and its relationship to other contemporary policy initiatives regarding the coastal, marine and maritime realms.

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ICZM Process diagram
PAP/RAC document: The ICZM process - A Roadmap towards Coastal Sustainability
Link between ICZM and Ecosystem Approach
University of Nottingham Working Paper: Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the Ecosystem Approach

Stocktake of the legal, institutional and organizational framework for ICZM

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One of the main tasks of PEGASO's shared ICZM Platform was to carry out a benchmark assessment of the current state of ICZM in Mediterranean and Black Sea countries, as required by Article 16 of the ICZM Protocol for the Mediterranean. In September 2010, the Black Sea Commission Permanent Secretariat (BSC-PS) agreed to adopt this approach for the Black Sea basin. Stocktaking for ICZM was then carried out in a comparable way for both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea countries, with a review of current ICZM-related legislative, institutional, policy and financial frameworks.

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PEGASO Report on science capacity
Workshop Report – Workshop to discuss the results of the ICZM stock-taking

Spatial Data Infrastructure

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Sharing results with stakeholders and end users at different spatial scales has been a major objective of the PEGASO project. The rationale behind the development of the PEGASO Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) was to construct the tool by drawing on existing SDIs developed by project participants (for instance Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee) and EnviroGRIDS) and to support the creation of new geonodes to expand online data sharing and allow access to coastal zone management indicators.

This connected infrastructure for sharing spatial data based on ICZM principles was developed in several stages. First, capacity-building activities were established to support the construction of a functional network of geonodes; then the existing geonodes were connected in and access was provided to data from core institutions such as theEuropean Environment Agency; and finally local/regional or national geonodes were developed jointly where requested by stakeholders.

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Guidelines for building the PEGASO SDI
Video: PEGASO SDI status: Introducing Mapviewer
Video: Land and Ecosystem Accounts applications for ICZM support in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Coastal areas
Video: Sea ecosystem accounting (SEAC)
Video: PEGASO, Mapping cumulative impact of human activities on coastal and marine ecosystems (CIM)
Application of LEAC in PEGASO

Building and enhancing capacity

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Over the project's lifespan, the PEGASO consortium has fostered its internal capacity to ensure that team members can engage effectively with each other in this complex, multi- and trans-disciplinary project. The consortium has contributed and enhanced capacity in the end user and stakeholder communities through a capacity-building conceptual framework and training action plan. The implementation of this plan has shown every PEGASO partner and end user how tools and knowledge can help them directly in their work to implement ICZM.

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PEGASO capacity building
Video: Participatory methods in PEGASO
PEGASO Capacity building conceptual frame and training action plan

Multi-scale tools, methods and models for integrated assessment

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A framework for multi-scale ecosystem accounting in the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins has been produced under the PEGASO project. This work consists of three parts, namely Land and Ecosystem Accounts (LEAC), Sea Ecosystem Accounts (SEAC), and the Western Mediterranean Impact Index on Ecosystems (WMIIE). For the first time, these three components have contributed towards a holistic view of the changes in the quality and quantity of stocks and flows in the coastal zone and the pressures that drive them, with full coverage of the two basins at different times for coast and catchments. They have also provided an initial basis for mapping ecosystems, habitats and species, identifying stressors and measuring their cumulative impacts on ecosystems.

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Application of LEAC in PEGASO
Video: LEAC training material
Video: WMIIE training material
Video: SEAC training material
Scenarios in PEGASO
PEGASO participation methods

Indicators to measure sustainable development of coast and sea

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Application of the ICZM principles requires the development of a set of indicators and a good understanding of the direct and indirect drivers of change. The PEGASO indicators were selected on the basis of a review of the previous ICZM indicator framework, the needs of the ICZM Protocol and its link to the ecosystem approach, the requirements of other relevant European policy frameworks (the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Water Framework Directive and Natura 2000), and needs identified by the 10 pilot CASEs and the Integrated Regional Assessment.

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Indicator experience in PEGASO CASEs
PEGASO Indicators factsheets


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Participation is more than just a tool: it is a fundamental pillar of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Within PEGASO, participation has been a cross-cutting issue and the basis for the integration of the tools developed. One of PEGASO's objectives has been to test and validate the assessment tools at regional and local scales to understand both global and cumulative local trends, and how they interact together in specific coastal and marine regions.

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Brochure: The PEGASO Cases
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