Database for North African Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

This database was elaborated as part of the North Africa Biodiversity Project, funded by the Swiss Cooperation. Several experts from the region took part in drafting it by preparing a monograph on each species with information on the plant’s morphology, biology and ecology and including information on how that plant is used in North Africa. Although it contains information on traditional therapeutic uses of the plants, the database is not a medical tool and the data it contains should only be seen as of botanical, ecological and cultural value. The experts who helped draft it are specialists in botany, biology, ecology and conservation and do not pretend to any medical expertise.

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Found 14 species used for asthma in North Africa

Species: Acacia tortilis
Common Arabic Name: Sayaal, Talh, Samor
Common English Name: Umbrella Thorn, Israeli Babool
Common French Name:
Used for: Anthelmintic, Antidiarrhoea, Asthma, Pulmonary diseases, Vermifuge and dusted onto skin ailments.
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Ambrosia maritima L.
Common Arabic Name: Damsissa
Common English Name: Damaseisa,Rogweed,Ambrosia,Sea
Common French Name: Ambroisie,Ambrosie
Used for: Antispasmodic,Anti diuretic,Bronchial asthma, Bilharziasis,Diabetes,Kidney diseases,Spasms
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Species: Ammi majus L
Common Arabic Name: Khillah,Killah shaytani
Common English Name: Bishop’s weed
Common French Name: Ammi commun
Used for: Anti asthmatic,Anti-hypoglycemic,Antispasmodic, Carminative,Digestive problems,Diuretic,Skin diseases
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Ammi visnaga L.
Common Arabic Name: Khillah- Khelal,Killah Baladi,Cazar Sheitani,Kammo
Common English Name: Pick-tooth,Tooth pick,Bishop’s
Common French Name: Herbe aux cure-dents
Used for: Kidney stones,Asthma remedy,Bronchitis,Lithontripic, Diuretic,Whooping cough,Circulatory problems,Vasodialator
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Anacyclus pyrethrum L.
Common Arabic Name: aud el-attas,akkar karha,agargarha
Common English Name: pyrethrum,pellitory,spanish pe
Common French Name: pyrethre,pyrèthre d’Afrique,pi
Used for: speech disorders,respiratory edema,laryngitis,sickle cell anaemia, epilepsy,depression,hearing disorders, phobias,anxiety,allergic asthma, salivatio
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Byronia cretica
Common Arabic Name: Le`eba Murrah
Common English Name: English mandrak, Devil`s Turni
Common French Name:
Used for: Antidiabetic, Anti diuretic, Antispasmodic, Bronchial asthma, Tonsilities
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Species: Calotropis procera
Common Arabic Name: Oshar
Common English Name: French cotton, Mudar plant, ca
Common French Name: Calotrope, Fatetone, Pomme de
Used for: Asthma, Cold, Cough, Chronic eczema, Dysentry, Diarrhoea, Elephantiasis, Heart diseases, Leprosy, Rheumatism, Skin diseases
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Chenopodium ambrosioides
Common Arabic Name: Netanah, Habaq El Bahr, Fiss el-kalb, Minteena
Common English Name: Wormseed, Mexican tea
Common French Name:
Used for: Antiasthmatic, Anthelmintic, Antispasmodic, Carminative, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Digestive tonic, Stomachic, Stimulant, Vermifuge
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Citrullus colocynthis
Common Arabic Name: Handal, Handhal, Oorky, Tatoor, Hadag
Common English Name: Colycynth, Bitter apple, Bitte
Common French Name: Coloquinte, Chicotin.
Used for: Chest diseases (Bronchial Asthma), Constipation, Rheumatic diseases, Tumour diseases
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Cleome droserifolia
Common Arabic Name: El-Samwa
Common English Name: Cleome herb
Common French Name:
Used for: Antioxidative, Antidiuretic, Antidiabetic, Bronchial asthma, Hypoglycemic effect, Hepatoprotective, Kidney diseases
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Datura metel
Common Arabic Name: hchichet el fedda
Common English Name: datura
Common French Name: stramoine
Used for: antiasthmatic
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Lavandula stoechas L.
Common Arabic Name: Halhal, moqif rwah, astuhudus, meharga.
Common English Name: Spanish lavender (in America),
Common French Name: lavande stoechade, lavande pap
Used for: Catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, sneezing, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, lumbago, abdominal pain, gastro-intestinal affections headac
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: Uriginea maritima
Common Arabic Name: Basal Farion, Onsul, Onsel Onsul, Onsel, Basal el-
Common English Name: Medicinal Squill, Sea onion, S
Common French Name: Scilla maritime; Oignon marin,
Used for: Cancer, Chest diseases (bronchial asthma, bronchial catarrh, bronchopneumonia, allergic cough, acute and chronic bronchitis), Constipation, Diabetes,
More information: (pdf file)

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Species: zygophyllum coccineum
Common Arabic Name: Rutreyt, Kammun Kermany, Ghassoul, Balbal, Tartir,
Common English Name: Zygophyllum
Common French Name:
Used for: Rheumatism, Gout, Cough, Asthma, Hypertension, Flatulent colic, Diuretic
More information: (pdf file)

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Developed by: CYBER VISION for IUCN-Med