
This CD Rom contains the complete information regarding the legal workshop on Improving Governance in the Mediterranean beyond territorial sea, held in Malaga, Spain, on 15 and 16 March 2004.

This CD Rom includes 5 presentations of (existing or probable) national legislations extending jurisdiction (Morocco, France, Italy, Spain, Croatia), 2 presentations of marine protected areas (MPA) including the first MPA in the high seas truly international (The Ligurian Sanctuary), 3 presentations of relevant intergovernmental organizations (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean, Regional Activity Centre / Specially Protected Areas RAC SPA, REMPEC) as well as one presentation of another region (the North Atlantic under the “Oslo-Paris” Convention, also called OSPAR). Presentations addressing 4 crosscutting legal themes are available (maritime delimitation in the Mediterranean, special regime of protection in the Mediterranean, implementation of fisheries international agreements in the high seas, Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance – SPAMI- and international custom). These presentations are either available in French or English.

This CD Rom further contains a Rationale, background documents, a résumé of the debates, the minutes, the conclusions and other interesting documents. Most of these documents are available in French, English and Spanish.

For more information about Governance in the Mediterranean, please contact:

IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Parque Tecnologico de Andalucia. Calle Maria Curie, 35, Campanillas
29590 Malaga, Spain
Tel : ++ 34 9 52 028 430 - Fax :++ 34 9 52 028 145

Email: uicnmed@iucn.org | http://www.uicnmed.org