About IUCN - Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation

This centre was opened in October 2001 and is located in the offices of the Parque Tecnologico de Andalucia, near Malaga. IUCN has over 160 members in the Mediterranean region, including 15 governments. Its mission is “influence, encourage and assist Mediterranean societies to conserve and use sustainably the natural resources of the region” and “work with IUCN members and cooperate with all other agencies that share the objectives of the IUCN.” The main work programmes for the Mediterranean region are: biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, islands, desertification and water and catchments. This information package is part of the centre’s work on Water and Catchments. For further information, http://www.uicnmed.org.


About IUCN - Water & Nature Initiative

The IUCN Water & Nature Initiative is a 5 year action programme to demonstrate that ecosystem base management and stakeholder participation will help to solve the water dilemma of today -bringing rivers back to life and maintaining the resource base for many.

This information package has been made possible in part by funding from the Government of the Netherlands through the Water & Nature Initiative, the Dialogue on Water and Climate, and the Canadian International Development Agency. Http://www.waterandnature.org


The roundtable has been organised
in partnership with Global Water Partnership

Core support to the activities of the IUCN Mediterranean office is provided
by the Junta de Andalucía, and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Spain.


UICN - Centro de Cooperación del Mediterráneo. Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía.
Calle Maria Curie, 35. Campanillas. 29590 Málaga – España. Tel: +34 952 02 84 30 - Fax: +34 952 02 81 45. e-mail: uicnmed@iucn.org


© De la presente edición: IUCN. © De los textos: los auotres
Diseño y realización digital: Estudio de Pedro Molino / CREATIVIDAD, IMAGEN Y COMUNICACIÓN. 2003