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Home > Summary > Mediterranean Case Studies
Mediterranean Case Studies  
  • The Rhone River: Hydromorphological and Ecological Rehabilitation of a Heavily Man-used Hydrosystem.

By: Yves Souchon, Directeur de Recherche Cemagref, Unité de Recherche Biologie des Ecosystèmes Aquatiques Laboratoire d'Hydroécologie Quantitative.

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  • Environmental Flows and Integrated Water Resource Management: the Vomano River case study.

By: Stefano Maran, Environment Business Unit, CESI, Italy.

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  • Assessing Groundwater and Surface Water Flows through Aammiq Wetland.

By: Richard Storey, Scientific Officer - A Rocha Lebanon.

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  • Review of Certain Basic Elements for the Assessment of Environmental Flows in the Lower Moulouya.

By: Maria Snoussi, Professor, University Mohamed V, Morocco.

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  • The Rižana River: Environmental Flow Assessment.

By: Nataša Smolar-Žvanut.

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  • Environmental Flow Assessment for the Ebro Delta in Spain Improving Links Between Wetlands and Catchment Management.

By: César Alcácer-Santos, Independent Consultant, Spain.

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  • River Flow Regulation and Wetland Conservation in a Dry Country: Ichkeul, Tunisia.

By: Mike Smart, Independent Consultant formerly Chairman of the MedWet1 Steering Committee.

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  • Sultan Sazliği: Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management Pilot Project in Turkey (GEF-II).

By: Uygar Özesmi, Erciyes, University Department of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science Branch Kayseri, Turkey and Ibrahim Gürer, Gazi University, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydrology Branch, Ankara, Turkey

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