Assessment and Provision of Environmental Flows in Mediterranean Watercourses

Concepts, Methods and Emerging Practice


This CDrom provides compiled electronic documents from various sources on environmental flow concepts, methods and practices. It includes 8 Mediterranean case studies to show how researchers and practitioners have incorporated environmental flow assessments in different policy, planning and management applications in Mediterranean river basins and associated groundwater systems. To complete this overview, nine case studies from over the world have been brought together. The compiled information is aimed at actors involved in environmental flows including policy-makers, water practitioners, wetland and conservation managers, dam operators and river basin agency professionals as well as non-government and civil society stakeholders working in the environment and water management fields.

Relevant information from other sources such as the Water Framework Directive process, RAMSAR, World Bank and other international organizations are gathered to bring this key information together in one easy-to-access format. We thank those organizations that have kindly agreed to have electronic copies of their documents on environmental flows included in the CDrom.

Most of the above is available in English, French and Spanish.

It also incorporates the Spanish, English and French electronic versions of the book “Flow, The Essentials of Environmental Flows” published by IUCN and an electronic copy of the leaflet “Assessment and Provision of Environmental Flows in Mediterranean Watercourses - Concepts, Methods and Emerging Practice”.


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