Croatian Biological Society - Croatia
School of Conservation Biology
2005, Rovinj, Croatia
biology as a science is a prerequisite
for effective biodiversity conservation
and effective sustainable development
as well as conservation planning and
environmental management. In order
to enhance education and capacity
building in the field of scientifically
sound biodiversity conservation, the
Croatian Biological Society is organizing
a School of Conservation Biology (SCB).
The School will take place in the
historic city of Rovinj, Croatia,
on the northern coast of the Adriatic
Sea, from 29 May to 5 June 2005, and
will be hosted by the Centre for Marine
Research, Institute "Rudjer Boskovic".
It will introduce graduate students
to the scientific discipline of conservation
biology, through an intensive, practical
8-day course. The course will be taught
in English by a team of international
lecturers and guest speakers, lead
by Asst. Prof. Selina Heppell (Department
of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon
State University, and adjunct faculty
at Nicholas School of the Environment,
Duke University, USA). It will include
lectures, discussion groups, computer
practice, group projects and a two-day
field course. The two best applicants
will receive a tuition grant from
the Croatian Biological Society.
Detailed information on the SCB program,
instructors, course and lab topics,
including on-line registration, may
be found at SCB web (
Please, note that the registration
deadline is 15 March 2005. For additional
information please contact Bojan Lazar,
president of SCB Organizing Committee,
Department of Zoology, Croatian Natural
History Museum; phone: + 385 1 4851700;
fax: +385 1 4851644; e-mail:
of Conservation Biology
Biological Society |