More than 80 participants from 18 countries met from 24 to 29 October for the 1st Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week in Ulcinj (Montenegro), with the objective of building a network to conserve plants and cultural diversity across the Mediterranean region.
To empower Mediterranean media professionals in fulfilling their role, the second Meeting of Environmental Journalists from News Agencies in the Mediterranean was held in Marrakesh from 11 to 13 November 2016, during the COP22 on Climate Change.
Malaga hosted the first conference on coastal carbon sinks within the framework of the Life BlueNatura project, coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Junta de Andalucía. Scientists, managers and other stakeholders participated in a two-day conference ...
More than 70 participants from five Mediterranean countries (Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, France, Italy and Lebanon) representing IUCN Member States, governmental and non-governmental agencies, IUCN Commissions and partner organizations met in Tunis (Tunisia), from October 31st to November 4th 2016, to attend the MEDEVENTUN II.
Morocco and Tunisia are two countries among those who have planned ambitious commitments in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) on protection, restoration and maintenance of ecosystems in order to fight climate change. After several analyses conducted by the Institute for Sustainable Development and ...
More than 28 experts attended a workshop held in Béjaïa, Algeria, from October 18th to 20th, to discuss a national strategy to protect and safeguard the Barbary Macaque in Algeria. The experts started by complementing and validating the national strategy document on the Barbary Macaque in Algeria and agreed on the "vision" ...
Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia met in Tarifa to identify the best strategies for building and correcting power lines in order to reduce the mortality of raptors in their migratory routes in the Mediterranean.
After a one month deep sea expedition in unexplored areas of the Mediterranean, scientists have found over 200 species, including new records that have only been previously reported in the Atlantic Ocean and in polar regions.
From September 30th to October 22nd 2016, five documentaries were screened at the Ecole Supérieure des Arts Visuels (ESAV) in Marrakech. Within the framework of the 22nd Conference of the Parties ...