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1996 Global Protected Areas Summary Statistics
EuroParc Federation
World Resources Institute - Earth Trends
The central law entitled the Law on the Protection of the Environment, Law No. 83-05, governs all environmental topics including the identification of the different classes of protected areas, under Article 17-30. This Law introduced three categories of protected area: réserve naturelle (natural reserve), parc national (national park) and parc régional (regional park)
Throughout the 1980s overall responsibility for protected areas lay with two ministries: the Ministry of Hydrology, Environment and Forestry (Ministère de l'Hydraulique, de l'Environnement et des Forêts (MHEF) and the Ministry of Information and Culture (Ministère de l'Information et de la Culture). In 1991 the National Agency for Nature Protection (Agence National pour la Protection de la Nature) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Ministère de l'Agriculture) had already taken over responsibility from the former MHEF for the majority of protected areas, although the two desert national parks continue to be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture now entitled the Ministère de la Communication et de la Cultura.
Regional Parks came under the authority of the Wilaya.
Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction: protected areas
Nature Parks of Slovenian - Istra
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
Red de Espacios Protegidos de Andalucia
Ministére de l'Ecologie et du Developpement Durable
Fédération de Parcs Naturels Régionaux de France
Parcs Nationaux de France
Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works
Israel Nature & National Parks Protection Authority
Ministry of Environment: Aree naturali protette
- Il portale dei parchi italiani
The Environmental Protection Law No. 2, 1982 which provides for the regulations on various forms of protection including hunting reserves, fishing zones and other forms of reserves. Conservation activities are the technical and administrative responsibility of the General Secretariat of Agricultural Reclamation and Land Reform, also called the Secretariat for the General Popular Committee for Agricultural Reclamation and Land Development.
Various categories of protected area are being designated under individual decree of the Council of Ministers. Initially four categories were envisaged (national park, wildlife park, multi-purpose reserve and natural sanctuary)
Malta Environment & Planning Authority
Currently the protected areas system consists of three classes of protected area: national park (parc national); permanent hunting reserve (réserve de chasse permanente) including the subclass royal hunting reserve (réserve de chasse royale); triennial hunting reserve (réserve de chasse triennale); and reserve (réserve), subdivided into three nature or natural reserve types: botanical, faunal and biological (réserve naturelle: réserve botanique, réserve de faune and réserve biologique). Wetland zones (zones humides) are included in the international Ramsar designation.
National Parks are designated by Royal Edit (Dahir). As for nature reserves, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water and Forests is empowered to legislate the establishment of this form or protected area under local regulations.
Other protected areas have been established under hunting legislation and forest ordinance.
Protected areas are under the technical and administrative responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The complete list of existing protected areas designations covered under the law (Code forestier (Forestry Code) Law No. 88-20, superseding Law No. 66-60 and Law No. 74-5 .April 1988) include: national park (parc national), recreational forest and a series of reserves set up to protect wildlife as natural or nature reserve (réserve naturelle) or wild fauna reserve (réserve de faune sauvage).
National parks are declared by presidential decree after recommendations submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture.
National Parks in Turkey