During Phase I of the Programme, the activities in Algeria were linked to Steppe Areas, the knowledge of their state of biodiversity and the interaction of human activities with this environment.
Two field visits took place in the Hodna area in order to identify a suitable site and study the area. To this effect, the following activities took place:
- Inventory of the natural resources of the area.
- Socio-economic study.
- Field survey on the ecological relation between fauna and flora and elaboration of monographs of priority and threatened species.
- Preparation of a management plan for the project area.
- Preparation of a final report.
During Phase II of the Programme, the activities included:
- Study and development of animal rearing and pasturing activities in Belezma National Park. The objective was to improve the routes in the Belezma National Park and develop rearing within the rural populations while protecting the environment.
- Study on the Thuriferous Juniper and its conservation.